Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week Three Post Op

We've arrived at week three and Rudi is coming along nicely. His hair is growing back faster and I think it has something to do with the cold weather we've been having. Three more weeks and he'll be getting his 6 week follow up xrays. My how time flies! I'm not complaining. I can't wait to give him more room to roam. He'll be allowed in a small room after 6 weeks and also the green light for some very short walks. I'm hoping it will warm up by then. It's 17 degrees tonight and I can't imagine walking him in that kind of cold. Brrr!

Rudi is now off all meds. We took him off of the Ace (sedative) Tuesday. Now he goes to bed at night and during the day without having to be sedated. The first couple of days you could tell the difference. He couldn't sleep and he paced in his kennel. He also woke up at 5:30 whining because he wanted out. That I could do without but I'm just glad he's pill-free now. He's 100% my Rudi again!

So far so good! More to report next week!

1 comment:

Nika + PARKER said...

Hi, we're a post op TPLO (11/27/08) following other ortho dogs. Can we follow your blog?

Nika + Parker